The Victorian government has announced that Port Phillip Prison (PPP) will close by December 2025. Currently, Forensicare provide:
- a 30 bed Psychosocial Rehabilitation Unit
- Forensic Mental Health Outpatient Services
St Paul’s Recovery and Rehabilitation Unit
The St Paul’s Unit is a 30-bed specialist unit that supports prisoners with mental health issues who require additional support in managing their mental health and daily living skills. It also assists prisoners through a range of therapeutic programs and interventions aimed at increasing functional independence, relapse prevention and reintegration into the community or general units. Programs are delivered in both group and individual formats depending on individual recovery goals.
A multidisciplinary team provides clinical and Recovery support and intervention to the patients.
Forensic Mental Health Outpatients Service
The FMH Outpatient Services provides secondary consultations to patients with a mental illness or suspected mental illness within Port Phillip Prison. Consultations aid diagnosis, provide specialist advice regarding the patient’s treatment and care planning and prevent admissions to an FMH custodial mental health service.
The FMH Outpatients Service also provides post discharge follow up for prisoners who have recently been discharged from a FMH custodial mental health service.
Visiting Port Phillip Prison
PPP is located at 451 Dohertys Road, Truganina Vic 3029. For visitor information visit the Corrections, Prisons & Parole website.