Forensicare Overview
The Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health (Forensicare) is a statutory body established in 1997 under the Mental Health Act 1986 and continued under sections 610 and 777 of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 (the Act). Forensicare is governed by an independent Board, reporting to the Minister for Mental Health (Minister). The governance of Forensicare operates within a broader public sector accountability framework. In this framework, the Minister is accountable to Parliament and the community for Forensicare’s performance, and our Board is accountable to the Minister. The Secretary of the Department of Health provides the Minister with advice and assists the Minister in accounting to Parliament.
Under the Act, the Forensicare Board is responsible for setting the strategic direction of Forensicare and is responsible for establishing a governance framework for Forensicare to perform its functions and exercise its powers as set out in the Act.
Forensicare Functions
Forensicare has the following statutory functions under the Act:
(a) to provide, promote and assist in the provision of forensic mental health and wellbeing services and related services in Victoria;
(b) to provide clinical assessment services to courts, the Adult Parole Board and other relevant government agencies;
(c) to provide inpatient and community forensic mental health and wellbeing services and specialist assessment and treatment services;
(d) to provide community education in relation to the services provided by Forensicare and forensic mental health and wellbeing generally;
(e) to provide, promote and assist in undergraduate and postgraduate education and training of professionals in the field of forensic mental health and wellbeing;
(f) to provide, promote and assist in the teaching of, and training in, clinical forensic mental health and wellbeing within medical, legal, general health and other education programs;
(g) to conduct research in the fields of forensic mental health and wellbeing, forensic health, forensic behavioural science and associated fields;
(h) to promote continuous improvement in the quality and safety of forensic mental health and wellbeing services and related services provided in Victoria;
(i) to promote innovations in the provision of forensic mental health and wellbeing services and related services in Victoria; and
(j) to perform any other functions conferred on Forensicare under the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act or any other Act.
In performing our functions and exercising our powers, our Board must have regard to:
- the needs and views of
- persons receiving mental health and wellbeing services and related services provided by Forensicare
- the communities served by Forensicare
- providers of mental health and wellbeing services and related services
- other relevant parties.
- the need to ensure that Forensicare uses its resources in an effective and efficient manner.
- the need to ensure that Forensicare continuously strives
- to improve the quality and safety of the services it provides; and
- to promote innovation
More information about the clinical, corporate, financial and operations of our organisation can be found in the Forensicare Governance Framework.
Responsible Minister
The Victorian Minister for Mental Health is the minister responsible for Forensicare and forensic mental health services provided by the organisation.
Statement of Priorities
Forensicare’s 2024-25 Statement of Priorities is the key service delivery and accountability agreement between Forensicare and the Victorian Government.