COVID-19: Important information for visitors to Forensicare.

Melbourne Assessment Prison

Forensicare provides 24 hours a day, seven-days a week, specialist mental health service at the Melbourne Assessment Prison (MAP). A wide range of services are provided to meet the often complex needs of prisoners arriving at the prison, the primary reception prison for men in Victoria.

Reception Assessment

As part of a comprehensive reception program operating at MAP, Forensicare conducts a detailed mental health assessment of all prisoners received into custody at the prison

Acute Assessment Unit

A 16-bed short stay assessment unit is provided for prisoners thought to be mentally ill and/or at risk. The multi-disciplinary staff in the unit provide psychiatric assessments and a range of short-term interventions and support. The assessments are used to determine future treatment needs. Prisoner participation in the services provided within the Acute Assessment Unit is voluntary.

Outpatient Services

Forensicare provides a wide range of multidisciplinary mental health outpatient services that provide ongoing review and monitoring for those requiring it.

Visiting MAP

MAP is located at 317-353 Spencer Street, West Melbourne VIC 3003. For visitor information visit the Corrections, Prisons & Parole website.