Introducing our new Model of Care
Forensicare’s new Model of Care sets out our commitment to empowering Victorians living with a mental illness to lead safe and meaningful lives, free from offending.
Developed after extensive consultation with consumers, carers, families, supporters, staff, stakeholders, service partners and subject matter experts, the Model of Care demonstrates how Forensicare will deliver best practice mental health care and treatment for consumers. It’s our commitment to ensuring people get the right care, at the right time, in the right place and by the right people.
Executive Director, Clinical Services, Dr Danny Sullivan said the Model of Care will transform the way we work with consumers, carers, families and supporters; placing them at the centre of everything we do.
“The Model of Care is our commitment to supporting each unique recovery journey. It will help us ensure every individual finds their strengths, maintains connections and lives a meaningful live led safely”
Our Model of Care also sets out our commitment to our workforce, service partners, stakeholders and the Victorian community. How we engage and work with others is critical to ensuring we support our vision to support meaningful lives, led safety and connected care.
You can find out more about our Model of Care by viewing Forensicare’s Model of Care 2021-2026, or watching our animation: