At Forensicare, research is conducted in collaboration with the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science – a partnership between Forensicare and Swinburne University of Technology. The Forensicare research program promotes innovation and knowledge creation that inform best practice in forensic mental health services in Australia and internationally.
Forensicare research aims to better understand and support the needs of consumers and carers, whilst ensuring service delivery is evidence-based. The program enables a nexus to take place between research and clinical practice, with each informing the other, so that learnings can quickly be translated into improved outcomes.
Forensicare staff are supported to build their research capabilities, whilst partnering with researchers and academics with lived experience and clinical expertise across a variety of disciplines, including psychology, psychiatry, nursing, social work, and occupational therapy.
Conducting research into forensic mental health is outlined in the Victorian Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 as a key function of Forensicare, and as such, underlies a strong commitment to research across the organisation. The contains further details about Forensicare research objectives and priorities.
Our people
Research at Forensicare is led by Distinguished Professor James Ogloff AM, Strategic Advisor Research, Education, and Innovation, Professor Michael Daffern, Director of the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science (CFBS) and Dr Trentham Furness, Research Manager.
Applying to conduct research at Forensicare
Prior to commencing a research proposal, Forensicare staff members should refer to the Guidelines for Submission of a Research Proposal and Research Proposal Protocol.
The Forensicare Research Department can be contacted throughout the planning and conduct of research at Forensicare. The Forensicare Research Department can assist with:
- Developing a research proposal
- Submission to the Forensicare Operational Research Committee
- Assistance with ethics and governance approvals
- Advice on study design and the literature review process
- Navigating logistical issues
- Advice on publication and conference presentations
- Support to source and secure research grant funding
Research application process
Research Governance
Research governance is provided by the Forensicare Operational Research Committee and the Forensicare / Swinburne University of Technology Research Governance Committee.
Forensicare Operational Research Committee (ORC)
The committee facilitates research across Forensicare and sets the pathway for researchers to obtain approval to conduct research involving Forensicare staff, consumers, and/or resources. Forensicare ORC approval is required prior to commencing research at Forensicare. Membership includes representatives from all clinical disciplines, lived experience, executive directors, and the CFBS. The committee actions also include, for example, monitoring relevant research policy documents and guidelines, informing and advising on strategic research priorities, and disseminating and translating research findings within and among relevant audiences.
Forensicare / Swinburne University of Technology Research Governance Committee
The formal committee of Forensicare and Swinburne University of Technology governs research across Forensicare and the CFBS. Membership includes, for example, Board and Executive Directors of Forensicare and Dean and Deputy Vice Chancellor roles at Swinburne University of Technology.
Research Scholarships
Forensicare, in partnership with Swinburne are offering two research scholarships:
- PhD scholarship examining the efficacy of Forensicare regional forensic mental health teams as they are implemented across the state of Victoria over the coming years. For more information Swinburne University – Forensicare Scholarship
- Doctoral scholarship for individuals who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and are enrolled in a Doctoral Program. For more information Swinburne University – Forensicare and SUT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarship
More information
For more information, contact the Forensicare Research Department:
E: research@forensicare.vic.gov.au