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Creating pathways for students to forensic mental health

Forensicare has initiated the Allied Health Pre-Qualifiication Program to attract soon-to-be-qualified students to a career in forensic mental health. Soon we will welcome six final year universty students enrolled in social work, occupational therapy and psychology to our service.

CFBS awarded research grant to help identify patients at risk of self-harm

am at the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science (CFBS) have been awarded a grant to commence a new research project to examine whether a risk assessment instrument – developed to help nurses identify patients at risk of imminent aggression – can be adapted to help identify people who may be at risk of deliberate self-harm.

Forensicare and CFBS’s Joint Submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

In February, a parliamentary committee began an inquiry into mental health and suicide prevention. Alongside a range of mental health organisations and individuals, Forensicare and the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science submitted a joint submission and participated in a public hearing.We wanted to take this opportunity to share a little more about the inquiry and our submission.What is a parliamentary inquiry?Parliamentary inquiries are run by committees that have been set up to investigate specific matters of interest to the [...]