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Annual Research Report 2016-2017

Take a look at our latest Annual Research Report 2016-2017 The latest Forensicare and Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science (CFBS) Annual Research report covering 1 July 2016 – 30 June 2017 is now available. The report provides details of the research program at Forensicare, ongoing projects, and research outcomes.  The report is produced by the CFBS which operates under the auspices Swinburne University of Technology in partnership with Forensicare. Take a look at the Annual Research Report 2016-2017. More information If you’d like to [...]

Autumn Winter professional training calendar now available

Book your place in one of our training workshops and strengthen your forensic mental health skills and knowledge. Our Autumn Winter professional development and training calendar is now available.  As a specialist forensic mental health service, our trainers are some of the most highly regarded and experienced clinicians and researchers in the field of forensic mental health. Our current program will suit individuals and organisations working in the fields of Area Mental Health Services, non-government organisations, legal, medical and allied health [...]

Gold award for Enhancing Police Responses to Family Violence team

Congratulations to our Forensicare staff who have been recognised for their contribution to the Enhancing Police Responses to Family Violence Project. With our partners at Victoria Police and Swinburne University, Forensicare is the proud recipient of a Gold award in the 2017 Australian Crime and Violence Prevention Awards announced yesterday at Parliament House in Canberra for the Enhancing Police Responses to Family Violence Project. This initiative has seen our forensic psychologists embedded within several police family violence teams and the development of [...]

Forensicare’s Annual Report 2016 – 2017

  Forensicare’s  Annual Report 2016-2017 was tabled in the Victorian Parliament on 19 October 2017. The report includes highlights from the last financial year including: How we have delivered, and managed the demand for, our services The expansion of Forensicare’s services Planning for long term growth and sustainability. The report highlights the enormous amount of work staff have again put into not just providing but developing Forensicare’s services over the past 12 months. We hope you enjoy reading about the achievements that we have been able [...]

Statement on Marriage Equality from the Forensicare Board and Executive

Forensicare embraces diversity and equality in our community and workplaces. The Forensicare Board and Executive support marriage equality. We are committed to providing a workplace and services to consumers, carers and families that are safe, compassionate and inclusive of all cultures, ages, genders, sexuality, backgrounds and religious beliefs.  Our role as an organisation is to focus on the recovery of consumers and support our workforce, with the goal of achieving better and safer outcomes for consumers and the community.  We [...]

MEDIA RELEASE: Additional beds to reduce waiting times at Thomas Embling Hospital

Forensicare have congratulated the Victorian Government on providing a further $7m to build 10 additional beds at Thomas Embling Hospital. The new funding was announced today by the Minister for Mental Health, the Honourable Martin Foley, at an event to mark the commencement of the construction of the new $9.5m 8 bed Secure Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (SPICU) at Thomas Embling Hospital. Forensicare Board Chair, Bill Healy, welcomed the news and congratulated the Victorian Government for showing leadership on such an [...]

Two new Senior Lecturers at the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science

Welcome Dr Caleb Lloyd to the position of Senior Lecturer at Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science. Caleb completed his Doctoral studies at Carleton University, Ottowa, Canada and was an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas before deciding to make the long trip to Australia. He directs a program of research on offender change in corrections and the community, and is currently serving as Principal Investigator on projects funded by the U.S. Department of Justice (National Institute of Justice, National [...]