Take the next step in your mental health nursing career.
As a graduate mental health nurse at Forensicare, you will be supported in your transition from student to registered nurse.
Through our graduate nurse program you will experience:
- a supportive environment in which to grow your clinical and professional confidence and competence
- opportunities to continue learning
- opportunities to practice your professional responsibilities and independence.
We will make sure you feel prepared and confident to begin your career in forensic mental health.
About the program
This two-year, supported program includes experience in a range of locations and service areas. You will be working rostered shifts, including a rotation on night shift.
Thomas Embling Hospital
Located in the Melbourne inner suburb, Fairfield, Thomas Embling Hospital is a secure forensic psychiatric hospital. Here, you will spend time working with acute and sub-acute patients in their care and rehabilitation, while being supported by our professional team who are dedicated to fostering a fantastic learning experience. The program includes rotations in the acute care, continuing care and women’s care programs.
Community Forensic Mental Health Service
Our Community Forensic Mental Health Service is an outpatient, community-based program working across Melbourne, for people with a serious mental disorders who have offended or are at risk of offending. You will have the opportunity to work in the community integration program. community treatment and transition program, mental health advice and response service, and the non-custodial supervision order consultation and liaison program.
Prison Services
Forensicare provides specialist mental health services at many Victorian prisons, including Dame Phyllis Frost Centre, Melbourne Assessment Prison, Port Phillip Prison and Ravenhall Correctional Centre. You may shadow a nurse practitioner on outpatient rounds within prison services.
What you will get
The program benefits include:
A culture where people care.
- An extensive orientation program which includes prevention and management of aggression and medication administration. You will get to know the other graduate nurses and Forensicare workers. It is made up of activities, education sessions, workshops and supernumerary time to support your transition from student to registered nurse.
- Physical wellbeing support, including access to employee assistance and wellness programs.
Investment in a career for life.
- Supernumerary time.
- Part-time study to complete the Graduate Diploma in Mental Health.
- Completion of a specialised Forensic Mental Health Nursing subject.
- The opportunity to continue your postgraduate study, following the successful completion of your academic and clinical components.
- A certificate upon completion of the graduate program.
- The opportunity for ongoing employment on completion of the program.
Diverse, rewarding and supportive environments.
- Support from a Graduate Nurse Program Coordinator designated to the wellbeing and success of graduates.
- Preceptor support.
Practical rewards and advantages.
- Support for scholarship applications.
- Study leave to support your academic requirements.
- Part-time employment, 0.8 FTE (64 hours per fortnight) or full-time employment (76 hours per fortnight).
- Salary packaging.
Information sessions
Before applying we strongly recommend that you attend an information session to find out more. Information sessions will be offered mid-year for graduate intake at commencement of the following year.
How to apply
To apply for our graduate nurse program you must:
- register with the PMCV allocation and placement service and include Forensicare as one of your preferences
- apply directly to Forensicare online.
Preparing your application
Your application must include:
- a cover letter
- your resume
- your mental health clinical appraisal (certified copy)
- your academic transcript (certified copy)
- two references (1 x mental health and 1 x professional).
For more information
For further information, about our Graduate Nurse Program, please contact:
E: graduatenurseprogram@forensicare.vic.gov.au T: (03) 9495 9203
“If you’ve even slightly considered forensic mental health nursing, you should absolutely give it a go. It’s so much fun, and there’s a lot of support. It’s been amazing.”
Become an Enrolled Mental Health Nurse.
As part of the Enrolled Nurse Entry Program, you will be supported in your transition to Mental Health Nursing. You will experience:
- A supportive environment.
- Opportunities to develop and grow your clinical and professional skills and knowledge.
- Continued learning and professional development opportunities.
We will make sure you are confident and competent to begin your career in forensic mental health.
About the program
This 12-month supported program includes experience in a range of service areas. You will be working rostered shifts, including a rotation on night shift. Thomas Embling Hospital Thomas Embling Hospital is a secure forensic psychiatric hospital, located in the Melbourne inner suburb of Fairfield. You will spend your time working with acute and sub-acute patients in their care and rehabilitation, while being supported by our professional team who are dedicated to fostering a fantastic learning experience. The program includes rotations in acute care, continuing care and women’s care programs.
What you will get
The program benefits include: A culture where people care.
- An extensive orientation program to help build your mental health nursing skills. You will get to know other nurses in your program and Forensicare staff. You will participate in activities, education sessions, workshops and supernumerary time to support your transition to mental health nursing.
- Physical wellbeing support including access to employee assistance and wellness programs.
Investment in a career for life.
- Supernumerary time
- A certificate upon completion of the program
- Opportunity for ongoing employment on completion of the program
Diverse, rewarding and supportive environments.
- Support from Enrolled Nurse Educators committed to the wellbeing and success of Enrolled Nurses
- Preceptor support
Practical rewards and advantages.
- Part-time employment, 0.8 FTE (64 hours per fortnight)
- Salary packaging
Information Sessions
Before applying we strongly recommend that you attend an information session to find out more. Information sessions are usually offered mid-year for enrolled nurse intake at commencement of the following year.
For more information
For further information about our Enrolled Nurse Entry Program, please contact: E: Kylie.Scott@forensicare.vic.gov.au E: Ashleigh.Cartledge@forensicare.vic.gov.au T: (03) 9495 9207